Complete Renovation or Superficial Repairs

When you're faced with the task of improving your home, a crucial question arises: should you undertake a complete renovation or be content with superficial fixes? This choice not only impacts the functionality and aesthetics of your space, but also your pocket. Below, we'll explore the pros and cons of both options, with the goal of helping you make a good decision to have the best version of your home.

Complete Renovation:


Comprehensive Solution to Fundamental Problems: Addresses structural, electrical, or plumbing issues, ensuring long-term stability and safety.

Significant Increase in Value: By attending to key structural repairs and renovations, you can significantly increase the value of your property.

Total Modernization: Incorporates modern technologies and follows current trends, improving efficiency and overall appeal.


High Financial and Temporary Investment: These usually require a significant financial investment and may take longer than desired.

Discomfort During the Work: Living in a space undergoing renovation can be uncomfortable, especially with major structural changes.


Surface Arrangements:


Lower Initial Investment: More affordable and faster, allowing you to see improvements without an excessive financial burden.

Quick Availability for Use or Sale: Ready for use or sale in less time, providing flexibility and convenience.

Less Hassle for Residents: Less day-to-day hassle as they don't require extensive demolitions.


Less Significant Increase in Value: Although they improve aesthetics, they may not result in as noticeable an increase in property value.

Possible Need for Future Repairs: They do not address underlying issues that may require attention in the future.

Final Thoughts

Before deciding, evaluate your financial goals, the current state of your home, and your short- and long-term needs. Consulting with professionals and getting expert opinions,  such as those offered by the Kum Ibiza Agency team,  can help you make a good decision aligned with your goals. Whether it's a complete renovation or superficial fixes, the essential thing is that your choice reflects your priorities and brings you closer to your dream home.

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